Result output
Here show a pipeline to show the batch effct sample of our model.
result_file = args.folder_name + args.before_sample_name + "_" + args.after_sample_name
# two data preprocessing and fusion
adatas = GSG.Data_read_and_comb(args)
# two data are mapped separately
two_graph,two_adata = GSG.Graph_Get_And_Data_Charge(adatas,args)
# use one data to train the model
model = GSG.GSG_batch_effect_train(args,two_graph)
# Two batches of data are fused and then clustered together. The clustering results are saved in.obs["Comb_K_means_Number"] and UMAP and space map are drawn
adatas_GSG = GSG.GSG_Cluster_Comb(two_adata,args,result_file)